Newsgroups:,sci.math.num-analysis,sci.math,sci.math.research From: (Henry Baker) Subject: Decomp mtx as lin combo of ortho/unitary mtx's Sender: (Henry G. Baker) Organization: nil Date: Mon, 10 Jun 1996 05:42:00 GMT I recently posted a question asking how to decompose an arbitrary real (complex) square matrix into a linear combination of orthogonal (unitary) matrices. Here is the answer to my own question. Consider the real (complex) square matrix M. Compute its singular value decomposition M=USV', where U,V' are orthogonal (unitary) and S=diag(s1,s2,s3,...) is a diagonal matrix of real nonnegative numbers s1 >= s2 >= s3 >= ... >= 0. Then S can be expressed as a linear combination of <= n (n = # rows/columns of M) diagonal matrices whose diagonal elements consist solely of +/- 1's. (E.g., consider expressing the vector [s1,s2,s3,...] as a linear combination of linearly independent Walsh functions, which consist of functions whose range is the 2-element set {+1,-1}. See Gonzalez&Wintz, Digital Image Processing.) Thus, S = t1 S1 + t2 S2 + t3 S3 + ... where Si are these diagonal matrices of +/- 1's, and ti are computed from the singular values si. det(Si)= +/- 1, and each Si is orthogonal. Then we are done, since M = USV' = U (t1 S1 + t2 S2 + t3 S3 + ...) V' = = t1 U S1 V' + t2 U S2 V' + t3 U S3 V' + ... Now since the Si are all orthogonal (unitary), each of the terms U Si V' becomes an orthogonal (unitary) matrix Ui, hence we have the decomposition: M = t1 U1 + t2 U2 + t3 U3 + ... Example (using MATLAB). Consider [1 2] M = [3 4] [0.4046 0.9145] U = [0.9145 -0.4046] [5.4650 0] S = [ 0 0.3660] [0.5760 -0.8174] V = [0.8174 0.5760] So, s1 = 5.4650 and s2 = 0.3660. Let [1 0] S1 = [0 1] [1 0] S2 = [0 -1] Then t1 = (s1+s2)/2 = 2.9155 and t2 = (s1-s2)/2 = 2.5495. Then, U1 = U S1 V' = [-0.5145 0.8575] [ 0.8575 0.5145] t1 U1 = [-1.5000 2.5000] [ 2.5000 1.5000] and U2 = U S2 V' = [0.9806 -0.1961] [0.1961 0.9806] t2 U2 = [2.5000 -0.5000] [0.5000 2.5000] and M = t1 U1 + t2 U2. Clearly, we can re-sort the ti in terms of decreasing absolute values and throw away any terms with ti=0, so the first few terms produce an orthogonal (complex) approximation to the given matrix M. The extension of this method to non-square matrices is straight-forward. Using this scheme, and the scheme of one can express any linear function f(v) of complex 2-element vectors as either a 2x2 complex matrix-vector product, or a sum f(v) = AvB + CvD, where A,B,C,D are quaternions and AvB, CvD are quaternion triple products. (The real coefficients ti of the terms can be folded into either the left or right (or some combination) of the constant quaternions.) Similarly, one can express any linear function g(v) of real 4-element vectors as either a 4x4 real matrix-vector product, or a sum g(v) = AvB + CvD + EvF + GvH, where A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H are quaternions and AvB, CvD, etc., are quaternion triple products. For example, if q = w+xi+yj+zk is a quaternion, then conjugate(q) = w-xi+yj+zk = (-1/2) (q + iqi + jqj + kqk) Furthermore, any matrix-vector product of a constant 4x4 matrix with a variable vector can be similar implemented by means of this quaternion decomposition, including the 'homogeneous coordinate' products typically used in computer graphics, robotics, spacecraft, etc. This method is a good one for converting a rotation matrix into a quaternion product, since a the singular values of a rotation matrix are likely to be very close to one another, and to 1, and therefore the first term in the sum should be the largest term, by far. I believe that using the first term of this method will produce the 'least squares' approximation to the 'closest' orthogonal (unitary) matrix to the given matrix M. -- www/ftp directory: